How To Take A Group Photo For Your Organization

Want to know how to take a good group photo for your organization? Take a cue from USC Photography Club, and follow these steps!
While Photo Club has the advantage of nice cameras, you can achieve a decent photo with a smartphone by following these steps.
1. It's all about the light!

Like we mentioned in our last blog post about how to take a good product photo, you don't want to put your subjects in direct sunlight. Instead, you want to put them in a nice shaded area preferably shot around sunrise or 1-2 hrs after or 1-2 hrs before sunset.
If you are shooting in-between those hours, you just want to find a large shaded area to put everyone in. Usually, you can find these spots next to large buildings or trees.
What to do if there is no shade:

If it's golden hour, you might be able to put the sun on the sides of their faces.

Or you may have to embrace the full sun. (Though everyone might be squinting)
What if it's night time?

Night time can get kind of tricky if you don't have the right camera for it. This was shot on a DSLR that has a good sensor, so the photo isn't grainy like it might be on a smart phone.
This can be addressed by using flash, or putting everyone nearby a light source (like a lamp) with the light shining on their faces.

Alternatively, you can bring everyone indoors where there might be more light to illuminate everyone's faces.
2. Take advantage of elevated surfaces

If you can't see the camera, the camera can't see you. If there's an elevated surface, put some people higher. If not, have some people squat, kneel, or lay on the floor putting taller people in the back and shorter people in the front.
3. Bring a tripod!

Photography Club self-timered most of our photos on our DSLR, so we always had a tripod handy for group events that we would pull out of the car. The Amazon basics one runs for about $20, and has been able to get the job done!
If not, you can always ask someone who is passing by to take the photo for you, or hire a professional photographer.
Use any of these tips for your group photo? Tag @allproductspromo #allproductspromo
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